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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hey all! Decided I'm going to mix it up and start doing some video blogs to document this crazy lil' poker life I'm living. I'm entering this adventure as a clueless technology fish with a vision, and a trusty film student to help make it happen.

If you love the video share it and let me know! If you hate the video, don't tell anyone. Kidding!! Not kidding. 

On a related note, it's taken me three years to figure out how to allow comments on my blog. Today, magic happened. Told ya I'm a technology fish.

Without further ado........FML! That obviously means 'Follow My Life.' What else could it possibly mean?? :)

PS-scroll down for some extra pictures from Ireland adventures after the video.


Gus doing some break dancing moves in the streets of Galway:
 They should pay me extra for my nursing services. Here I'm doing minor surgery removing a sliver   for Gus:
Gus (finally) loses at the drinking game and has to take a shot. Group consensus back at the hotel is Martins should take one as well: 

See? Told you he's tall.
            Times are tough for Annie Duke so FTP got a sick deal on entertainment for the player party.
             Note: This is not really Annie Duke. Thank God.
Jake Cody about to tackle some homemade Romanian moonshine. Tasted about as good as can be expected. 
            My first ever live royal flush while playing a side tourney in Galway. Beautiful isn't it?


  1. sick blog, sick stories....more please!

  2. Cool hearing about the more human side of the pros. Do you guys stay in contact? Did you get to play with them at all?

  3. Really Nice Job On First Video Blog Well Done . . . gg. . . . . .D1G1TALFOX

  4. I have to say that it's SO enjoyable to see the video blog....crazy times! Can't wait to hit Ireland myself!


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